Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A New Me!

Ok, this is going to be a very honest post. It is time for a New Me! I am 50 pounds overweight. Yes, you heard me 50 pounds. I currently weigh more than I have ever weighed in my entire life (except for when I was pregnant but that doesn't count). I currently weigh 202 pounds. The idea weight for me is 150 pounds. So, I have 52 pounds to lose. How am I going to do this you may ask? Well, with a lot of hard work. I joined Weight Watchers last Thursday. I have done this several times but the one time that I got serious I lost 30+ pounds. So, I know this program works. I have joined a boot camp that meets Monday, Wednesday, and Thurday at 6:00am and last for 45 min. I plan on walking, swimming or weight training on Tuesday and Thursday of each week. I have a friend that is doing atleast the WW with me too and is keeping me accountable. I also have giving this to the Lord. I have prayed about this and fasted about this and I know that it is going to work b/c He is going to help me. I don't care about getting skinny but what I do care is about my health and how I am a role model for my children. I have to love myself and take care of myself so that I may take care fo my family.

So, there it is out. I have stated everything.

Here is a before shot w/my precious little girl. That fat face is history!


McCall said...

You go girl!! I'm excited for you! Can't wait to hear more as the journey continues! Please brag about your weightloss so we'll all be inspired!!

Shelley said...

You're awesome! I agree with McCall ~ Brag, brag, brag
