Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Blog Header

I am enjoying designing my blog headers. It is really fun!

Pictures from Brooke's 2nd birthday Party

Ok, here are some pictures of Brooke's 2nd birthday.

Doesn't really like the hat and the piggy tails poking out of it.

Likes eating her pizza and cake. Her cake was a barbie doll cake.

Oh, Mom can you help me reach that toy?

Who, ME? It MY birthday I didn't do it!

My beautiful 2 year old girl. She looks so much older than 2 in this picture.

Moving on UP

Well, last week Zachary finished 3rd grade Social Studies, however this isn't a subject in which the school will move him up to 4th so he is just finished until next year or unless I want to do something with him. I'm thinking about getting a maps workbook, well see.

The other thing that happened last week is very exciting. Zachary's principal and I have been talking back and forth along with his teacher. His teacher said that he should have been placed into 4th grade this year. The principal said that there was some misscommunications at the beginning of the year about who had the authority to move a child up a grade. So, the principal looked at Zachary's progress and decided that he was far enough along in 3rd grade Literature, Language Arts and Spelling to go ahead and move him up to 4th grade in just these 3 subjects. But, that she couldn't move him up into 4th grade completely. She also said that she would work with me and his teacher about his course placements for next school year. He was also placed into the Advanced Learners Program so that he can receive G/T services.

Zachary is really excited about moving up to 4th grade in Spelling, Literature and Language. He should receive his new books/workbooks Tuesday/tomorrow.

The principal is also talking with the Head of the school and the district about CBE's and previous instructions and weather or not they would accept a 70% on the CBE. She is also talking to them about courses taken at Texas Tech University ISD and if they can accept those courses. So, there is possibly going to be some changes.

Missing Tooth

Well, Zachary has had an eventful week and a half. 1.5 weeks ago he lost one of his top front teeth. Now he has lost the other top front tooth. He is my full fledged snagglepuss.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Zachary's moving up in subjects

Well, I have talking with Zachary's principal about his placement and him fixing to finish up with 3rd grade language arts. Well, the principal went ahead and moved Zachary up to 4th grade Spelling, Literature and Language Arts. The materials have been ordered and the classes are up on the schools website. Zachary is sooooo excited!

The principal is also discussing some other issue like taking the CBE's when you have prior instruction and taking classes at TTU. She is also going to help with Zachary's school schedule for next year. WOW! This principal gets gifted children. Oh, she also put him into the advanced learners program which is like the G/T program for a brick and mortar school.

So, there is some exciting changes and hopefully some challenges in store for Zachary.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

College class update

Well, the college said that they didn't think it was appropriate for an 8 year old to be in a college class. Then told me good luck on finding other ways of challenging him. Well that's just one of the reason I was talking to them.

But, I did find out through reading their policies that there is entrance requirements when going through the continuing education when taking a non-credit course and that the College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution that does not discriminate in either admissions or employment with regard to race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability, or veteran status.

So, per these statements it doesn't matter that Zachary is 8 years of age or 80 years of age they can not discriminate him from admissions to class based on his age.

Now, not that we are trying to enroll him now but either in Aug. 2010 or Jan. 2011 we may enroll him into a class.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mathematically gifted boy finally gets what he needs

Follow the link above to a story about a gifted boy who finally got math at his level and how it changed the way he acted and his medication.

I wished all schools would see that educating a child at the child's academic level and not by the child's age is best for everyone not only gifted children.

On a side note we are talking with the local community college about a math course for Zachary starting next August. The continuing education department has agreed to allowing him to take the course through their department now we only have to get the college's approval for him to take it either through them or through continuing education department.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Health Update

Well, no food has been able to stay down for 1 month now. I have only lost 12 lbs. which to me is surprising I thought it would be more but that's o.k. Today I am going for Pre-op for the endoscopy on Friday. I will have a tube with a small camera put down into my stomach to see if anything else is going on down there. Right now the doctor thinks I have gastropynesis (sp?) this is where my stomach doesn't digest my food fast enough.
