Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekend in Big D

Saturday we went to Dallas. We got up and packed when we decided to and we left around 11:30 a.m. When we arrived in Dallas we ate at Razzoo's Cajun Cafe. We ate crawfish, french fries, catfish with a jalapeno sauce and rice. While the kidos has popcorn shrimp and fries. Brooke likes crawfish. But, I haven't found to much that that girl will not eat. The kids had milk to drink while Mark and I indulged in a New Orleans treat called a Hurricane. UMMMMM!

After eating we headed up to Frisco. We stayed in a really nice hotel called the Aloft. The Aloft is part of the W hotels. Actually they call it " a baby W". The room was very nice but very modern. The rooms have 10' foot ceilings. As you walk into your room the sink area is open (no walls). There is a sliding door to where the toilet and huge walk-in shower are located. As you go further into the room there was 2 queen size platform bed (no box springs). On the opposite wall was a huge flat screen tv, a long sitting bench and a table that looked at one of the two huge windows. You also had the ability to hook up cameras or any electronically device and it would play on the TV. Down on the first floor was a pool table, a sitting area with a fire place and a bar. All of this was in walking distance to the Frisco Mall and the surrounding shopping center. It was a very nice location for under a hundred dollars.

We attended our old church, Fellowship Church in Grapevine. The message was really good, the music was wonderful. Zachary had a great time in the children's worship service. It is nice to be able to set through a service without correcting a child.

After that it was party time. Long time friends of ours was hosting their annual Christmas/New Years party that was also a housewarming/going away. He had accepted a position through his company that would take him and his family to Sweden for 2 years. Upon arriving to the party we learned they the job transfer and move is on hold b/c of the economy. Zachary stayed mainly upstairs and played PS360 and stayed up till 11:30pm. Brooke finally went to sleep around 9:45pm. She did have a small accident when she slipped and fell on the brick fireplace. A little blood but she is fine. We party hard till 11:30pm. We went back to the hotel and we all asleep by 12:00am.

The kids woke up around 6:30am. So, we got dress and went to Main Street Bread Baking Company in the colony. Nice little place for breakfast. We then went back to our hotel and packed and checked out. We headed to Alison apartment and visited for a while. Then we made the trip to Central Market. This store is a luxury that we partake in every time we go to Dallas. We grab lunch there and shop. We get fresh mozzarella, pancetta, hummus, cous cous, and other items that we can not find in Mt. Podunk.

After shopping and eating we headed home. After such a long and busy weekend we are glad to be back. But, we are always longing to go back to the Big D for the food, shopping and old friends.

Sorry for all of you that want pictures. I did take a few with my phone but will have to figure out how to go from my phone to the web. I will try to remember my camera from now on.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Shelving Unit

I really wanted a shelving unit that you see in preschools for Brooke's room. I got a teachers catalog and they ran from $170-$280+. There was no way I could afford that. So, I told my self that I could build one and it wouldn't cost as much. I went to lowes got the material. Had it cut there but then found out I miss calculated on a measurement. I cut 5/8" off using my father-in-laws table saw.

This morning I screwed it all together. It is not perfect but it works, looks good and I made it for around $40. A lot less than what I would have paid for out of a catalog.

I haven't painted it. I don't know if I want to just stain it or paint it bright colors.

Brooke really does like her new shelves.

In her room before I put everything on it.
Right after I built it.
Another photo of it in her room before the toys and books were on it.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Header

Todays post is not really a post. I have a new header. This one is for Valentines day that is coming up soon. I actually made this header myself. I have been learning to use Photoshop and how to make blogger headers. The only thing that takes a long time to do is trying to decide what graphics you want to use. There are so many cute graphics out there.

The background is not mind but one that I found. I really like it but I want to try making my own background. So, that will probably be my next project.

I am really having fun learning! Now let me see if I can get that slide show for pictures to work.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Zachary was given an interesting opportunity. It was called Flat Stanley. The child traces a flat Stanley and then colors him and cuts him out. The child then mails the flat stanley to a friend and the friend takes a picture with Flat Stanley in the picture.

So, we sent Zachary's flat stanley to the Beck's who are in Portugal. Yes, he went to a different country. Zachary had to find on the map Portugal so he could see where flat stanley was going. We have received some pictures back so here they are.

I do have more pic's I am trying to figure out how to use the slide show option.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Pictures of kidos

We took the kids to Wal-marts to get their pictures taken together. UGH! The pictures turned out good but the experience wasn't good. We will go someone else to get pictures taken.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lost and Found Cat

Last night we realized that our cat named "Belly" was not in the house. Nor had she been in the house all day and we believed that she wasn't in the house the night before. She has always been an inside cat and knows nothing about the great outdoors. She has gotten out before and she usually stays right around the edges of our house.

So, last night we braved the cold and called and called for her. We listened to see if we could hear her meows but nothing. We looked in th bushes but nothing. So, we had to go asleep without her. We planned to go walking in the morning to look for her.

So, this morning we walked and again called after her. But no meows. I was very sadden and cried a few times. We have had her for almost 10 years. So, she is like a child to me. I made flyers on my computer to past out to our neighbors. I went to go print them but before I did I opened a window to call after her. Then I looked up and there she was at a neighbors house by their deck. I quickly put shoes on and ran to go get her. I had to get on my hands and knees b/c she went back under the deck. She finally came out and I grabbed her. I hugged her tightly and brought her back into the house. I feed her and gave her a bath.
