Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Valedictorian Speaks Out Against Schooling in Graduation Speech -- Signs of the Times News

I read a Valedictorian's speech to her graduating class and was very moved by what she had to say. She talks about how the education system failed her and how it is failing all children. It is a great article and I wish everyone could read and listen to what the children of our nation are trying to tell us about their education.

Valedictorian Speaks Out Against Schooling in Graduation Speech -- Signs of the Times News: ""

Saturday, July 3, 2010


WOW! I can't believe it has been so long since my last post. SORRY!

Well, school is over. Zachary has completed all of 3rd and 4th grade math. He has also completed 50% of 4th Spelling, Literature and Grammar so he will begin where he left off next school year.

June was really busy. The first week Zachary, Brooke and I drove to Longview, TX everyday. Zachary had a robotics camp that he attended. He really did enjoy it. He was able to build a spidar robot and a kangaroo robot.

The 2nd week was VBS/Sports camp at church. Zachary and Mark went to the park for Sports camp and Brooke and I went to the church for VBS. They both had a great time but we may take next year off.

Then we had a week that had nothing to do. It was really nice since we had been so busy for 2 weeks.

Then the 4th week Zachary and I attended Webelos Summer Camp at Camp Dierks in Oklahoma. It was 4 days 3 nights in a tent. It rain a little bit on us but not much. The first full day was very hot. Zachary earned his aquanauts, scientist, geologist, and foresters badge. He also earned his archery and bb gun belt loop and pin, however, he had already gotten those b4.

Now, we are up to 4th of July weekend. We will be meeting our new choir director tonight and tomorrow will be the 4th of July celebration at Trinity Baptist Church.

As soon as I have uploaded a video from Webelos camp I will post it. My camera ran out of batteries, UGH!
