Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Science Fair '08

Zachary entered his first science Fair this week. He had been working on it for the past month. His topic was "How does Tap, Bottled, and Salt Water effect the growth of a plant? " He had 3 plants all the same and watered them everyday. The day before the science fair his conclusion was that Tap water was OK, Bottle water killed the plant and Salt water made the plant grow the most and look the best. Yes, that's right Salt water wasn't killing the plant and bottle water was killing the plant. We were starting to wonder what was in the bottle water. The day of the science fair our results changed. The bottle watered plant was sooooo pretty and the salt water plant was dying.

We entered the project anyway even through his poster board didn't match the plants. He talked to the judes and they were impressed with his reading ability. He just read off the poster board instead of presenting his project. Hey, it was his first time and he did great. He didn't place but he did get a ribbon and 3 free tickets to the local fair.

I took pictures on my cell phone. I will try to post the pictures later.


McCall said...

Glad to see you've joined the blogging world. It's fun! Congrats to Z on the Science fair..that's awesome.
