Saturday, April 4, 2009

First Family Campout

Friday I packed everything that the whole family would need for our first campout. Mark and Zachary has gone to Dad and Lad and Zachary and I have gone to Mom and Me but this was the first campout that the entire family was together, including Brooke. The campout was with the other families from Zachary's Cub Scout Pack.

Brooke, Zachary and I arrived at Lake Bob Sandlin Stat Park around 1:30pm. I set up camp by myself. And NO it didn't fall! Another family showed up shortly afterwards and the boys played. We went on a short nature walk and then came back and relaxed. Other campers started arriving around 3:30pm and all the boys had a blast running around and acting crazy. Mark got there around 5:00pm.

The ladies started setting up the food tables for dinner around 5:00pm and I got started cooking 44 hamburger patties and 20 hotdogs. After dinner the boys played in the dark with glow sticks while the adults sat around the campfire and talked.

Brooke started getting sleepy around 9:00pm so our family went ahead and got ready for the night. The others were still up till 10:00pm which made it difficult for Mark and I to go to sleep. But the kidos where off to sleep very fast despite all the screaming outside our tents. Apparently someone cut open one of the glow sticks and it got on the dog that was there. Then everyone started cutting them open and putting it on each other and playing like they were infecting each other.

I sleep ok except for the fact that Brooke was in my sleeping bag with me and I was falling off the side of the blow up mattress. About 5:00am this morning Zachary crawled onto the blow up mattress and said he was cold. So, I feel off the mattress completely. I felt of Brooke and she was running fever. I estimated it to be atleast 102. So, I went to the bathroom and then came back and got Brooke. We left the camp grounds around 5:30am. Once home I gave her some medicine and we laid down in my bed together until 8:30am. Now that was the best 2 hours of sleep all night.

Mark and Zachary stayed and had pancakes for breakfast. The boys played while the men talked around the campfire. Then a park ranger came and talked to the boys about local snakes and fishing. Did you know that you can fish off of any bank or dock in any state park without having a fishing lic. We didn't know that. Mark packed the campsite up and loaded everything into his car. Thankfully we had 2 cars at the park.

So, as a first family campout this wasn't the best. Brooke got sick and Zachary is coughing too. Maybe next time we go camping it will be better!

And OH, by the way I didn't take any pictures. I did bring my camera but was to into the moment. But atleast taking the camera is a good step. Usually I forget the camera. Maybe next time I will actually take pictures.

