Sunday, January 17, 2010

SENG Group Facilitator Training

This past week I went to Dallas, Texas for training. The training was through SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted) so that I can facilitate parents groups. Dr. Webb has a written a book called "The Parents Guide to Gifted Children". I am now certified to facilitate parent groups using this book.

The training was a wonderful experience. I met parents who understood the difficulties in raising a gifted child and school employees who understood the academic needs of gifted children. The support not only has me as a parent but also for me to bring training and a local support group for parents of gifted children was overwhelming. I thank all the ladies who attend this training in Dallas.

I am hoping that in the next few months I can arrange a meeting for the parents of gifted children in my area to see if there is a need or what do we as parents in this area want our group to be.

For more information about SENG please go to

If you would like to purchase this book go to


Dan said...

I was happy to discover your blog today. I tried following the contact link on your profile page but it took me to a GoDaddy page rather than somewhere I could reach you. I hope it's OK that I'm contacting you through a public comment. I've developed an educational program for Windows called SpellQuizzer that helps children learn their spelling and vocabulary words without the battle that parents often have getting them to sit down and write them out while the parents dictate to them. The parent enters the child's spelling words into the software making a sound recording of each word. Then the software helps the child practice his or her words. It really helped my children with their weekly spelling lists. It's similar in concept to Spelling City except that you get to record your own lists using your own voice and your children don't need to be exposed to an open Internet connection to practice their spelling.

I would appreciate your reviewing SpellQuizzer in your blog. If you are interested in hosting a giveaway of a SpellQuizzer license I'd be happy to supply a free license to the winner. You can learn more about the program at There's a video demo you can watch at and a community site where SpellQuizzer users can share their spelling lists with one another ( Finally, there's a page targeted to homeschooling families at I'd be happy to send you a complimentary license for the software. Please let me know if you are interested.

Thank you very much!

Dan Hite
TedCo Software
